Business » Energy
Analytical Services, Inc. (AS) -
A small business specializing in environmental, safety, health, and energy-related services.
Arnscott Electronics Inc. -
A major supplier of commercial sound and life safety devices.
Cost Containment Engineering, Inc. -
Specializes in reducing their client's water and energy consumption and costs via a variety of efficiency improvement and conservation techniques.
Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) -
Represents the thousands of independent oil and natural gas producers and service companies across the United States.
Surface Monitoring -
Global leader in microseismic monitoring and passive seismic imaging provides services for the oil and gas industry. Read about cost-effective surface monitoring of long single laterals and multi-well pads using temporary surface-located geophone array.
Utility Smart Meter Northumbland -
Sign-up and save on your utility bill. Smart Meter users can reduce their energy bill in Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster-York, Northumbland, Scranton Wilkes-Barre and Lackawanna.